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Dependence versus Maintenance: Navigating the Shift to Self-Hosting

Updated: at 05:22 AM

On-call DevOps

In today’s cost-conscious tech environment, many companies are looking for ways to cut expenses without sacrificing quality. At BetaSeries, a community platform for TV show enthusiasts, we’ve taken a significant step in this direction by moving many of our services to self-hosted solutions on our own Kubernetes cluster. This move was driven by the need to manage our budget better, but it came with a mix of advantages and challenges.

Why Move to Self-Hosting?

The main reason to switch to self-hosting was to save money. Self-hosted applications often cost less in the long run because they don’t come with the recurring fees that SaaS (Software as a Service) products do.

Self-hosting also gives us more control. We can tweak and customize our applications to meet our specific needs, something that’s not always possible with SaaS products. This is particularly valuable for a service like BetaSeries, where user interaction and data are key.

The Challenges of Going Self-Hosted

However, managing these self-hosted applications isn’t always easy. Unlike SaaS products, where the service provider manages updates and maintenance, self-hosting puts all that responsibility on our shoulders.

For BetaSeries, this means dedicating more time and resources to keep everything running smoothly. We have to regularly update our applications to patch security vulnerabilities and improve functionality. This requires a dedicated technical team and can take time away from other projects.

Weighing the Pros and Cons

Deciding whether to switch from SaaS to self-hosted services involves careful consideration of both the benefits and the downsides.



Final Thoughts

Moving to a self-hosted platform has been a significant change for BetaSeries, motivated by a need to be more financially efficient. While it offers more control and potential cost savings, it also requires us to invest in maintenance and management.

This decision is part of a larger trend within the tech industry towards balancing cost with control. Any organization considering this shift should be ready to handle the additional responsibilities that come with managing their tech infrastructure.

As we adapt to this new setup, the experience and knowledge we gain will help us not just save money but also better serve our community and stay competitive.