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My name is Maxime Valette. I have been a web developer since the age of 7 and a web entrepreneur since the age of 15. I have built entertaining websites like VDM (VieDeMerde), FML (FMyLife), and BetaSeries. I am also the founder of FeedPress and CTO of ComeUp.

I am passionate about how technology and data can contribute to the entertainment industry on a large scale. This includes aspects such as creation, production, marketing, and entrepreneurship.

This blog will primarily focus on my technical discoveries and thoughts regarding this rapidly evolving field.

Tech Stack

The tech stacks of my companies are usually very similar:

I also have a tendancy to migrate everyting to Kubernetes with GitOps / ArgoCD.

I am also very fond of self hosted and open source softwares such as n8n, Typesense, Pocketbase…

Dev Stack

I have been working in PHP for the past 20 years, however I learned interesting programming languages along the way, Node.js then React, and Python among others.

I am not stitching to one programming language, it always depends on the purpose of it all. This has been my mantra for the past 20 years or so.